Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Happy Birthday History

Portrait of James Oglethorpe

         Yesterday, January 13, 2013, marked the 281st anniversary of James Oglethorpe’s arrival in Charlestown, South Carolina. James came to South Carolina while he was one route to present day Georgia. On October 3rd of the previous year, 116 people were chosen to board The Ann and set sail with James. A doctor and a pastor were some of the many people on the ship.

         In the story, New Voyage to Georgia by a Young Gentleman, it explains everything that was going on in the voyage to the new world. According to another source, it was printed in London in 1735 for J.Wilford. It is written in a diary format. This is a primary source, and was written by an unknown boy aboard the ship. It is written in old English, so it is hard to understand. From what I can understand, they encountered Indians and illnesses. This boy thought Charlestown was the perfect place to be. They eventually left Charlestown and settled in other places around the area. They took their ship, named The Ann, everywhere they went.
Book Cover

         The Indians were not always the best people to work with. They help the colonists by teaching them to build and find housing. The Native Americans taught them tricks and skills that they would need in order to survive in their new world. However, the new English settlers in Charlestown found themselves in battles with the Native Americans. In the story, the Young Gentleman says, “We came to a small river Savanna, where we had once a terrible battle with the Indians and lost a great many of our men.” This shows that the English and native people did die, and many people lost their lives while fighting for their people.

         This relates to my history class because we are learning about the Pilgrims and Puritan’s settlements in Massachusetts. The settlements in Massachusetts also faced problems with the Native Americans, just like the settlement in Charlestown. Recently, we learned about King Phillips war, which was a war between the Puritans and the Native Americans. It is interesting to see how settlements in different areas of the country can face the same problems.






  1. mentioning the date and how it was yesterday is great way to draw people in. I find it interesting that the explorers always miss there mark. he was going for Georgia and landed in South Carolina

  2. Great job! You really did a good job of sharing important information about Charleston, and shared facts that I didn't know at all before! It's crazy to think that two settlements could be so similar and face so many of the same issues, but this piece really helped me understand just how many of the same problems different people went through. This connected really well to our learning about the Puritans' and Pilgrims' settlements, and also to our modern day world. Great job!

  3. This post drew me in with a great title... upon reading the title many questions arose from my mind. They where answered with the facts provided in the piece. This is a very informative post. Which is good.
