Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Henry VIII Had a Seventh Wife?

King Henry VIII is one of the best known kings of England, and is not only known for being the king, but is also famed for his six wives. However, it is has now been emerged that Henry VIII had a seventh wife too.

In an article published in Tudor Matrimonial Studies, a historian revealed that Henry VIII married Anne Mourgan in 1538, less than a year after the death of his former wife Jane Seymour.

Historians believe that Henry and Anne got married in secret because they were fearful of the public opinion. However their marriage did not last long and Anne immigrated to the Low Countries, even without formally ending their marriage.

At first historians were scared to publish their findings in fear that they would ruin the rhyme:

King Henry the Eighth,
To six wives he was wedded.
One dies, one survived,
Two divorced, two beheaded.

Texts from a letter written by Henry VIII to Anne Mourgan at the time of their marriage was published for the first time and revealed Henry’s love for Anne who he calls “my sweete flowere.”

The Marriage of Henry and Anne took place at a crucial time. The king was probably grieving the loss of his wife Jane Seymour, but had not married Anne of Cleves, whom he married in 1540.

Henry’s six other wives are more popular than Anne Mougan was because Henry and Anne secretly got married and never legally got divorced. Therefore there are no documents that completely state that Anne and Henry were once married. However, letters, and quotes from the past have supported Historian’s belief that Henry did in fact have a seventh wife. 



  1. Right when I saw your title I knew I wanted to read your post. After having learned all about Henry the 8th and his six wives, I wanted to know more about this mysterious "seventh wife" that had been mentioned not once throughout our studies. After reading through your post, I'm left wondering why Henry might have married Anne Mourgan. It seems like it must have been because he truly loved her, because the marriage doesn't seem to have benefited him in any other way. But Why keep it a secret?? Good post! You left me pondering over Henry's seventh wife and wanting to know more!

  2. After learning that he was famous for his six wives your questioning title about that possibility of a seventh was very interesting. I think it's strange how he had already had three wives and he would go on to have three more wives but he would want to keep this one a secret. It's a little strange. Also if she is the mysterious seventh wife then he would have married three Annes and three Catherines. Also a little strange. Your post was well written an I think I'll be thinking about the possibility of his seventh wife for a bit. Good job!

  3. After learning that he was famous for his six wives your questioning title about that possibility of a seventh was very interesting. I think it's strange how he had already had three wives and he would go on to have three more wives but he would want to keep this one a secret. It's a little strange. Also if she is the mysterious seventh wife then he would have married three Annes and three Catherines. Also a little strange. Your post was well written an I think I'll be thinking about the possibility of his seventh wife for a bit. Good job!

  4. I find it amazing that the King of England managed to get married without anyone noticing. After Jane Seymour (whom he seemed to love very much) died, I would have thought that he was heartbroken. Apparently not, but I'm surprised that he was remarried in under a year! At least she didn't join the other four of Henry's wives that he had killed.

  5. I found your post to be very interesting because we only learned about Henry's six wives. If Henry really did marry Anne Mourgan, he did a great job at keeping it a secret! It is very interesting why Henry would not be public with this one woman, when he married other commoners as well. Overall, I think you did a great job with your post! Your title was very intriguing, and it made me want to read about the topic. Your post was very well-written, and it connected to our class. Nice job!

  6. The idea that Henry could have had a seventh wife is interesting, and as you said, if she never formally ended the marriage he would still have been married to her until his death. It is also sad that she had to move to the lowlands and that she never really got anything out of the marriage.

  7. This is a surprising idea because whenever I think about Henry VIII, I think about his 6 wives. It seems a little strange because he didn't keep any of his marriages that we learned about secret. It's also really weird that historians would decide not to mention this other wife just because they didn't want to ruin a rhyme. This was an intriguing idea for a blog post.

  8. I was immediately drawn in by your title, it is a very interesting idea that Henry might have had a 7th wife! This topic makes me think and ask a lot of questions like, why did he keep his 7th wife a secret? was he trying to hide something? You did a really nice job connecting your topic to history class, I was really impressed by your blog post. Nice Job!

  9. Nice job Kristen! I really liked this blog because it made me want to know more the whole time. I really liked your title, it made me want to read your post even more. I thought it connected back to what we learned in class very well, but you could have explained the connection a little bit more. Other than that, I thought this was a very intriguing and interesting blog, great job!

  10. Great post! Henry having a seventh wife is really cool, and it's something that we all can connect to because we learned so much about him. It's also really interesting that even now, so long after Henry lived, historians are still finding awesome pieces of information about royalty like him. Once again, great job!

  11. I was very interested to read your blog post from the start because we had learned so much about how Henry was famous for having six wives. I really wanted to know about this so called seventh wife because it would change a fact in history that is well known by many people.

  12. I really liked your blog post it was to the point and got the information across easily. I found it funny that the main concern the Historians had was ruining a rhyme for memorization and childhood purposes. Though, i do see how it could've had some memories attached to it and how they didn't want to spoil them.

  13. Good job on your blog post! I found it very informative and I think that it was very intriguing to learn about yet another wife of Henry. This topic was also very relatable considering how much our history classes already know about Henry. I don't have any real changes to this post, good job.

  14. I like the blog post. You had alot of information as to why they don't really know much about the seventh wife. I think the joke about messing up the rhyme was pretty funny too. This was very easy to read and the pictures went well with the topic.

  15. I really liked your post. It really interested me because I liked learning about King Henry and his six wives. This would change a piece of history that many people know about (and change the rhyme!). I thought it was very interesting that the two were never legally divorced. Good job!

  16. I loved your post! I lt always interested me how Henry had so many wives! I find it unusually how he would want to keep one private. This post had a clear connection to what we learned in class! If he did have another wife, I bet it was actually for love this time!

  17. I thought your post was very interesting because we spent so much time learning about Henry's wives. Its interesting that they could find out after hundreds of years that he actually had 7. Overall, really nice job!

  18. This is a very interesting topic! I have never heard anything about King Henry VIII having a seventh wife. Especially after we learned about his other 6 and what happened to them. I even remember the little song about his 6 wives. If they get more proof that they were married do you thing they would make an new song?... You did a good job explaining the article. Great job!

  19. Great job! This was a very interesting post. I was hooked right away because I thought of the song we listened to in class! It is interesting to hear about this seventh wife because I have come to learn that king Henry had six wives. Overall great job! It is interesting that you proved that something we learned in class might be different than what we were taught. Great job!

  20. This is so interesting! I had no idea Henry the VIII had a seventh wife! I seems like this is an indisputable fact from their findings, I wonder why so many people dispute this fact, it seems to have been forgotten is history.

  21. Kristen, this blog post really caught my attention and kept me interested through out the entire post! I find it crazy that anyone could be married 7 times, especially a king! I thought that the content of your post was very good, but the format was a little strange. In some places the text was larger then in other parts. Over all I though you did a great job, just make sure to check your format next time.

  22. Kristen, great post! Who would have known that Henry had 7 wives. This post caught my attention and did intrigue me. You might just want to check the formatting of your post, but other wise you did a great job. You see to know a lot of the details too.

  23. Kristen, great post! Who would have known that Henry had 7 wives. This post caught my attention and did intrigue me. You might just want to check the formatting of your post, but other wise you did a great job. You see to know a lot of the details too.

  24. Nice job. I think this is very interesting for many reasons. First we talked about how King Charles had 6 wives, but having 7 is just ridiculous. Also, I like how you wrote about the when and how they got married, and the how she left him, but they did not officially divorce. Lastly, I think the types of evidence proving their marriage possible. Great job :)

  25. Please note that this article was an April Fools' Day prank!

  26. Is there any info . About Ann Morgas life other than "she retired to the Low Countries "?Would love to know -also read that the article about 7th.wife was a AprilFools Day prank ? I'm a little confused to say the least !

