Monday, April 14, 2014

My trip to Germany

During summer vacation in 2004, I traveled to Germany. I stayed primarily in Rothenburg but I also traveled to other towns such as Munich and I saw many cool things. I stayed there for about a week so I really got to know the city and some of the history behind it.
map of Germany

Rothenburg is a town that was built in the middle ages which we learned about in class. You can tell because of the cobblestone streets and the Gothic architecture. Also, the buildings get bigger towards the center of town. While in Rothenburg, I saw many cool things, the best was the night watchmen's tour. This tour was guided by a man dressed as a guard would have been when the city was newly built. He had black garments and carried a long handled ax. He showed us the whole city including the outside wall which protected the city in times of war. This reminds me of our Middle Ages unit because this city functioned as the home of many serfs, and merchants as well as a lord and his lady. Finally, I got to feel what it would be like to live in the Middle Ages.

Another place I visited while in Germany was Neuschwanstein (yes it's a mouthful). This was the castle that gave inspiration for the famous Disney castle. This castle reminded me of the grandeur of the Middle Ages because the inside is lavishly decorated. Despite how good it may look, the castle was never actually completed because it's owner died early! It was easy to see that the area around it was it's fife, which we learned were like states in the Middle Ages. I saw that this castle was very important because it was on the highest hill for miles! Finally, My trip to Germany taught me a ton of stuff about the Middle ages.
File:Schloss Neuschwanstein 2013.jpg

Map of Germany:




  1. I think it's very interesting that you stayed in such a cool city, and also that you found a way to tie in the wonders of German architecture into modern-day culture, like Disney. I do see the resemblance between the two castles for sure. And you're right, Neuschwanstein sure is a mouthful!

  2. This post is really cool! It is interesting to see that you had a personal experience that related to something we learned about in class. I think that the whole trip sounds really cool. The castle and the guard seemed cool and I would like to see what they looked like. It's great that you had such a wonderful opportunity.
