Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Not Everyone Can Live an Extravagant Life

Recently I read the article “A Day in the Life of Obama’s White House” by Brain William on June 3,2009 on NBC News.

            The article briefly talks about how hectic and exciting a typical day in the White House can be.  The president has a lot do complete everyday and life in the White House isn’t always easy. Although life can be crazy, Barack Obama lives differently than the average American does.

            In the White House, there are over 100 rooms, 32 bathrooms, and six floors! There are even three elevators in the building. The average American home has about eight to ten rooms, two or three bathrooms, and two floors. Not many homes have an elevator in them, never mind three elevators! Clearly, the president lives more extravagantly then the rest of America does!

            President Obama has many people that work for him in order for him to complete his daily tasks. One example is 28-year-old Katie Johnson. Katie is Obama’s secretary, and works extremely closely with him. The article states, “Katie Johnson, 28, the president’s secretary, arrives with more paperwork: typed versions ready for his signature of his replies to 10 letters chosen at random from the flood of Americans’ mail to the White House.” This shows that Katie has a big job in preparing the President to complete his tasks. She preps him for a big day and has everything ready to go for him. With out her, Obama would have a hard time getting everything done.
President Obama speaking to guests in the Blue Room  of The White House
            Not many people in America have people who follow them around all day and help them get everything done. If they did, life would be a lot easier than it is! Katie is not the only person who helps Obama. He has many other people who help him complete his responsibilities throughout the day.

            Barack Obama’s life isn’t just extravagant all the time but is extremely stressful too. His day is packed with things to do, and he rarely catches a break.  The day is usually packed with meetings, interviews and phone calls. Obama is aware of how much he has to take on, and is constantly working on making America better. He says, ““I’m always puzzled when people say, ‘You’re taking on too much,’ Well, what exactly would you have me give up?” This shows how important Barack’s job is to himself. He wants to do his best to get everything he needs to get done.  People in America also take their job seriously and want to be the best that they can be.

The White House
This relates to our history class to when we were learning about King Louis XIV and the Palace of Versailles. We learned that the palace was filled with gold and was a lot better than most of the homes in France at the time. King Louis XIV lived a much better life than everyone in France.  Like The White House, Versailles was extremely large, filled with gold and other extravaganzas that the regular people of France did not have, and did not have the money to get. King Louis XIV, in relation to President Obama, took his job in controlling the country seriously and wanted to do well.



  1. Good job Emily! I love how you gave a specific example of someone who works with the president. I never knew how big the white house actually is. This made me want to go see it now. Good job connecting it to Versailles, I would have never made that connection.

  2. Great job on this post Emily! You used a lot of specific details on connecting the White House to Versailles. It was very interesting and intriguing. Good job!

  3. good job! You did a great job at connecting your blog to class. I thought it was really interesting that the white house is really that big. I liked how you connected the White House to Versailles its something that never crossed my mind. I also really liked your pictures! Great Job
