Thursday, December 19, 2013

Britain's New Law and How you Can Help End Modern Day Slavery

In Britain a new anti-slavery law was recently passed. This law will punish those who take part in modern day slavery potentially for their entire lives. This law is a major break through and I am glad to see that it has passed. In the immediate future I hope to see many other countries around the world enforce strict anti-slavery laws.  When it comes down to it the people affected by slavery are people and no one deserves poor treatment.

The articles I have read about his topic relate directly to our modern day slavery unit we did in class. I know this unit made me really reflect on how lucky I am and I know it had the same effect on many of my fellow classmates.

Slavery has been illegal in Britain for over two hundred years but that didn’t stop many people. As you may know, slavery affects almost thirty million people worldwide. The different types of slavery that take place in England include forced labor, marriage, sexual exploitation, domestic servitude and human trafficking. Originally, the maximum punishment for any of the previously listed types of slavery was fourteen years. I feel that this is far too low of a sentence for someone committing such a terrible crime and I think every country should have a life sentence for modern day slavery.

As previously stated, I am very happy to see that Britain has taken a crucial step in ending modern day slavery, but there are many things that the average human being like you and I can do. Chances are you may have something in your house that has been made by a bounded laborer. You can help by doing the research on what companies may be involved with slavery.

There are many major companies who have been rumored to rec
eive cotton from farms that use child slaves. These companies include, Forever 21, Aeropastle and Urban Outfitters.  Slavery in today’s world should not be allowed anywhere and all citizens of the world should try to put an end to it.

Main Article Summarized :
"Britain to Slap Modern Day Slavery Culprits with a Life Sentence"
Additional facts from :

First Picture :

Second Picture:


  1. I really liked your picture of the child slave, it makes you emotional about the subject and interested me a lot. I also like how you put in your opinion. Good job

  2. I think your title was a little long, but it served its purpose of being good at catching attention. I agree with you that passing laws like Britain did was a very good move. I am happy that people are taking slavery seriously. I think your right also because we all have to start taking action, donating money and bringing up more awareness of this cruel treatment of human beings. I think this informative article will definitely change whoever reads this article!!! Nice job!!!!!

  3. It's good to see that England is passing this law even for the sole reason that it increases the issue's publicity. This is definitely a small step forward, but a step all the same. I hope to soon see the general population turn and face this major problem with England and other countries leading the charge with laws such as these. Well written article, nice work.

  4. I'm surprised that this law hasn't already been in place for a while. I agree that 14 years isn't enough jail time for people committing such a awful crime. i don't understand how some companies still get away with slavery in today's world. how could forever 21 use child slaves and get away with it? it is sickening
