Friday, December 6, 2013

You Can Call Her Queen Bee

The official poster for the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who with Matt Smith, David Tennant, and John Hurt
Britain has many different pop icons that somewhat define it as a country, like America with Superman, Batman, Iron-man, etc. Britain has James Bond Sherlock Holmes, and other fictional heroes that have defines it's pop culture. One of these particular pop icons, one that just screams "British" is one of the longest running sci-fi series, not just in the U.K but the world, Doctor Who. In fact Doctor Who recently celebrated it's 50th anniversary on the 23rd of November.
For those who may not know, Doctor Who is about an alien who has a machine which allows him to travel through time and space, there's a lot more to it then that, in fact it's downright complicated at times, but that's the gist of it. During the 50th anniversary special,we were introuced to one of Britain's historical icons, Queen Elizabeth 1.

Through the duration of "The Day of the Doctor" Queen Elizabeth (British Beyonce) was constantly shown kicking butt and taking names. She killed an alien, an alien whom she had never even heard of (but why would she?) And if that isn't the most metal thing you've ever heard, Queen Liz also took over the entire aliens army by impersonating their leader, and to top it all off she marries the Doctor, (she even beat River Song to it).

                                                               You've really got to watch the show to understand this completely. Queen Elizabeth not only kicked serious booty in Doctor Who but she also kicked real serious booty in history too. She was a single woman who ruled the whole of England and refusing marriage (at least refusing the marriage of anyone who isn't David Tennant), and it was at a time where woman were somewhat looked down upon. We also learned quite gruesomely in class, how her mother Anne Boleyn, had her head chopped of by Elizabeth's own father, Henry VII, what a happy childhood Elizabeth must have had am I right?
A portrait of Queen Elizabeth 1 in all her glory
Queen Elizabeth as she is portrayed by Joanna Page in "The Day of the Doctor"
Personally, I think that Doctor Who, well it may not be extremely historically accurate (which it shouldn't be it's about a time traveling alien for god sake) they did portray her well. Elizabeth was a stubborn woman (she had to be), and does whatever she can for the England (which she was expected to be) Doctor Who's representation of her was all of these things, and more. Therefore despite the expected historically inaccuracy, Doctor Who is a good source to anyone who wonders about Elizabeth's personality and overall disposition.


  1. Shaelyn,
    I like that this post connects to a relatively popular topic, since a lot of people watch Doctor Who. The title is very creative. I also like that you connect back to Queen Elizabeth, who is one of the more interesting historical figures that I've seen so far in this class. I think that perhaps you should have explained a little about Queen Elizabeth's story, and maybe a little more description about what Doctor Who is about. But overall, I enjoyed reading this post.

  2. Your title was very eye catching and I liked how you used a song lyric, it made me want to keep reading and find out what you were going to talk about. I also liked how you compared America's pop icons to England's pop icons. You didn't just go right into talking about what Doctor Who had to do with history but you gave us a little description of who he was and what the TV show is about. This article connects very well to what we learned in class. I also liked the format of where you put your pictures it makes it even more interesting. Great Job!

  3. I really loved your blog post! It had me laughing nonstop. I thought it was hilarious when you described her as a British Beyonce. Another thing I enjoyed about this post was that it didn't really have an essay feel, but it felt like we were having a normal conversation. Also, I really liked your title and that's what made me click on the link to your post. Amazing job best friend!

  4. I really liked how your post connected history to something a lot of people watch, it makes it more interesting and easy to understand. I also liked how you wrote more informally then people tend to when writing school essays. Your title was great and seemed to make a lot of people want to read your post. Great job.

  5. I really liked your blog post! Though I haven't seen the show you made it clear what the connection was to history. Also, the way you wrote the post made it very entertaining and interesting to read. I felt as if you were talking to me! Again great job!

  6. Shaelyn,
    I tried watching one episode of Doctor Who one time and I was so confused I promised myself that I would never watch it again, but as I read your blog post I thought that It might actually be interesting and somewhat educational and informational. I thought that in your blog post you did a nice job of connecting your thoughts to something that was have learned in class, and the way you used different pop culture icons in your opening sentence. Maybe you could try adding more detail into the history aspect of your blog post, but overall it was awesome!
