Saturday, February 22, 2014

A Day in the Life

London, England, February 14th, 1663

      This blog post is about how life would be for a middle class person living in 1663 London, England.
                  Dear Diary,
       Today was a rather exciting day, although it didn't start off that way. I awoke in the hours of the early morning, so early the sun hadn't even begun to rise. But that was no matter I had business to attend too. I got dressed tightening my stiff corset rather uncomfortably, but it was the fashion I suppose. I then proceed to put on my longs skirts and other things.
      When I was ready I began the day, I skipped breakfast per usual, and went out and did my chores as my father and mother so ordered me to do. Despite working hard all morning long, I was excited for what would be happening later in the afternoon. There was to be an execution of a criminal that day and of course our whole family was going to attend. But that isn't all surprisingly; we were also invited to have dinner with Mr. Springer and others. 
       After I’d done all the house chores Mother ordered me to pick up some water from the water carriers, sometimes well to be honest all of the time I wish my family was rich so we didn't have to buy from the water carriers. Instead we’d be subscribed to a private water company, but I guess I should be thankful for my family to not be so bad off that we have to acquire water from the public wells or the rivers. 
      I stepped out of my house and to the streets of London, the smell of the streets was positively awful, but when wasn't it I suppose. I tread through the dismal crowd carefully, trying to avoid stepping in anything unpleasant, which I failed to do. I stepped in something rather disgusting, the rotted corpse of a dog. I sighed and tried to wipe of the remains from my shoe unsuccessfully so I just gave up. Eventually I got to the water carries and bought the water and made my way back home. It was time to go to the execution.
    It seems as if everybody went to the hanging of James Crowley, but then again there wasn't much else to do. I could feel the crowds excitement and cries of delight as Mr. Crowley was led up to the gallows. I waited for him to say something before his death, to say his last words, it was always interesting knowing what the damned were thinking before their departure from this world. But James Crowley remained silent the whole entire time right up until he was hanging by his neck in the noose, no fuss, no drama, boring as far as executions go but at east it was something to do. 

   After the hanging, my family and I made our towards Mr. Springers house for dinner. It was around midday when we were all sat down, I could feel my stomach growling. Mr. Springer was known all around London for his fantastic food but it wasn't often that we were invited to dine with him. All sorts of meat and fish were served along with sweet pies. We ate and ate until we felt about to burst, it was then Mr. Springer lead us to the garden where there was a table set up for fruits and sweetmeats. After we had finished we left thanking our host for his wonderful hospitality.

   The rest of the day was quite boring, like most of my days so far. I worked until supper time we was quite simple and mediocre, especially compared the feast we had at midday. After supper I went up to my bedroom and went to sleep. 

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