Tuesday, February 11, 2014

It's Time For Some Traffic Problems!!

In September of 2013, if one were to look at express side of the George Washington Bridge form afar, one would see a mess of back to back cars several lanes wide and the entire length of the bridge.  Now, this is not common for one of the best known ways for to commute in the morning to New York from New Jersey.  That leads to the question, what is causing a backup?  This is now known as a scandal and the story was spread rapidly around the country by the media.  They narrowed it down to a story involving political backgrounds.  One of Governor Chris Christie's members of the administration sent an email to another member saying "Time for some traffic problems in Fort Lee."  A response was sent back saying "Got it."  The plan was to shutdown two toll lanes on the express side coming from Fort Lee.  This would cause a backup in the communities of Fort Lee.  After the lanes reopened, the story was published in January.  Many said it was just a member of Christie's administration but now many say Christie was involved with the scandal.  It is now believed that him and his administration intentionally closed the lanes to make the mayor of Fort Lee who is Democrat angry and make him look bad.  It was also to make Democratic mayor of Hoboken Dawn Zimmer look bad as well.  After the story was released, Christie fired the woman who sent the email and is dealing with discipline for the rest.  The lingering question that is in the air now is was Christie involved with it?  If evidence is released that Christie was involved, many reliable sources say he can forget about a presidential run in 2016.


Chris Christie is the head of the State of New Jersey.  He is a member of the Republican party.  Many sources do say Chris Christie shut down the lanes because he wanted to embarrass the Democratic mayor of Fort Lee and the Democratic mayor of Hoboken.  This reminds me of two leaders that do not want to make piece and work together.  It is a lot like King Phillip II of Spain and Queen Elizabeth I of England in the late 1500s.  King Phillip II was a strong Catholic and Queen Elizabeth I was a strong Protestant.  After a long time of frustration, arguing, and built up anger, the Spanish made an attack on England which England countered and fought back and defeated the Spanish.  A Catholic lead country against a Protestant lead country.  Two leaders with two different religious  beliefs went to war.  In New Jersey, two leaders with different political beliefs had problems and the head leader (Christie) made an attack on the other (Sokolich) that was not possible to defend.  These two events are related because in 1588, a strong Catholic leader (Phillip II) did not appreciate the religion, actions, and rule of a strong Protestant leader (Elizabeth I) of another land.  With the New Jersey bridge crisis, a Republican leader (Christie) decided to make a Democratic leader (Sokolich) look bad and led to the people of New Jersey and Fort Lee furious.  However, in 1588, the English fought back and defeated the Spanish.  With the bridge crisis, Christie planned it so there would be no counter attack.


Rao, Mythili. "Is NJ Bridge Scandal Business As Usual? - The Takeaway." Takeaway. 9 Jan. 2014. Web. 11 Feb. 2014. <http://www.thetakeaway.org/story/emails-connect-governor-christies-aide-gw-bridge-traffic-scandal/>.
"NJ.com." The Star-Ledger -. Warren Reporter, Web. 11 Feb. 2014. <http://www.nj.com/news/index.ssf/one_lane_blocked_on_ny-bound_g.html>.


  1. Charlie, great post! I like your connection of Phillip and Elizabeth very much. Before reading this post, I knew only some of the facts about this issue. I think it is safe to say that the mayor lied and took out his anger out all on the wrong people and very immaturely. Your conversational tone throughout the post was very nice and I enjoyed learning more about this interesting topic. Keep it up!

  2. Awesome Job! I heard about this story in the news but I did not realize how many details the news report was missing. I thought that the way that you introduced the connection to class worked very well . I enjoyed how you stated how some things are still not known, like whether Christie was even involved in this situation. Once again, great job!

  3. This was a very interesting post, Charlie! When I had first read the title I was intrigued, wondering how you could connect the scandal to what we have been studying in history. When you brought up Philip and Elizabeth it completely threw me off! I hadn't even thought of how they could connect to this story, but they do fit very well. It was a really good and surprising connection, which I'm glad you made because it has already helped me to better comprehend the drama that went on between Philip and Elizabeth. Great job!

  4. This was so interesting to read about--I actually hadn't heard about this story until reading this. I had no idea how you were going to relate this traffic problem to History class, but it's a really great connection to Elizabeth and Philip's relationship back in the 1500s! The fact that in both situations the two people come from opposite viewpoints shows that history is always repeating. Great blog post!
