Thursday, February 13, 2014

The Roundheads vs. The Cavaliers

There are so many videos to watch, that will help you in learning a new topic. The video clip "Horrible Histories- English Civil War Song" give you an in site into how the English Civil War even started, who the war was between, what would happen after the war and much more. This song is very catchy and might just help you understand the English Civil war a bit better. Here is a link to check out the video clip:

The English civil war was between the Roundheads and Cavaliers. The Roundheads promoted a republican commonwealth instead of a monarchy. Most Roundheads were protestant, and they also had very short hair. Their leader was Oliver Cromwell, who was named "Lord Protector" and ended rule of parliament and rule with the support of his new model army.

The Roundheads opponents are the Cavaliers. They were supporters of the king Charles I and his son Charles II. The Cavaliers were known as royalists, meaning they had many riches and dressed the part. They wore leather knee high boots, tunics and hats complete with plumes. Unfortunately the Cavaliers lost the war to the Roundheads.

In class we have been learning a lot about the English Civil war. We even put on plays to act out how the Civil war even started, and we got to actually visualize how the whole thing might have went down. Also it helped show what the Roundheads looked like compared to the Cavaliers and how King Henry would have acted like during the actual time period.
This video also shows in great detail how the English Civil war started; singing, dancing and acting out all the scenes. It also has a catchy song to sing along to as well, but maybe you would like to know a little bit of background information about before the war began.
There was a lot of anger towards parliament under the rule of Charles I. Charles I believed in divine rights and the whole state can only be one religion. He annoyed many English men and women with his marriage to Henrietta Maria because she was catholic. He ran into some money troubles, so to fix that he started to raise taxes but soon people started to refuse to pay their taxes. If you refuse to pay your taxes you would have to go to trial and would be hung. He also saw Scotland as a threat and tried to make them convert to Anglicanism.
Parliaments response to Charles I wasn't to good, since they were furious with him. They wanted to punish him but he had his critics arrested instead. The members of parliament had enough with Charles and published a list of 204 complaints against him.
Everyone finally had enough and it was time for war. To see what happened in the war you should go watch the video "Horrible Histories- English Civil War song."


  1. This was really interesting to read about since we are learning about the Roundheads and Cavaliers in class. I enjoy watching the Horrible History videos because they are a funny way of teaching you about history. Overall great job!

  2. I thought this was a great blog post with lots of detail. I also thought that you had some great pictures.
